FAQ Help Center

Have a question. Let us help.

Popular questions

How long does my order take to process?

As our items are customized, dependent upon the item you order, it may take up to 2 weeks to process as some items such as the 20 and 30 oz tumblers require an epoxy coating that takes a minimum of 3 days to cure. Other items may not take as long.

Shipping is free for local customer pickup. Once your order is complete, we will contact you to make arrangements for pickup or delivery. Just check local delivery when checking out. All other orders have a flat rate shipping rate as indicated in the cart.

As all our items are customized, there are no returns. We strive to do our best to provide you with a product that meets your satisfaction. Prior to preparing your order, we will send you a mockup of your items prior to us completing your order.

We offer coupon codes on a regular basis. Just input your code during checkout.

Can’t find an Answer?

Delivery & discounts

We often have sales on our website on a regular basis, so check back often.

If you didn’t find an answer to your question, please feel free to contact us on our contact form or directly to our email at shopkustomizeit@gmail.com .

We do not currently ship internationally.

We currently use both USPS and UPS as our preferred shipping choices. You will be informed once your item(s) have been shipped.